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Title : Seed Germination Activity

The natural world is a giant, open-ended learning laboratory. Children are innate scientists and love to experience the sights, scents, sounds, and textures of the outdoors. Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and education.
Interacting with natural environments allows children to learn by doing and experiment with ideas. In nature, children think, question, and make hypotheses, thereby developing inquisitive minds.
Keeping in mind the above insights HARI VIDYA BHAWAN organized an activity with topic STEPS IN SEED GERMINATION for class KG on 15th April 2023 in the 7th and 8th period.
The students were explained the different steps of seed germination through different settings by the teacher. They were shown a video that enhanced their learning with the aim of making them to become environmental conscious, learn planning, being patient, a good observer and drawing out a potential lifetime interest.